Growing Hope in Mozambique
Buying one of the items below will not only be a gift to a relative or special friend but will make a huge difference to the Pastors and their church families in Mozambique. So, please consider supporting Growing Hope by buying a gift for a relative or special friend.
Seed per church plant – £35
EnricYour donation will grow. Buying this gift will provide enough seed for one church plant to grow vegetables in 2018. We buy some seed in Mozambique but most is heritage seed from the UK as it is difficult to find varieties, and good quality seed, in Mozambique. our growing community.
Training materials per church plant – £30
This manual and others contain all the Biblical, Management and Technical teaching for FGW. This gift will pay for the training materials needed for one Pastor/church plant. The package includes guides and manuals from Farming God’s Way, laminated posters, exercise books and pens.
3 Catanas per church plant – £15
Catanas are used for cutting grass to prepare fields and for collecting for‘God’s blanket’ – mulch for covering the fields when seed has grown to seedlings. This helps to maintain moisture in the soil rather than evaporating with the hot sun and as it biodegrades, adds nutrition to the soil.
Manure per church plant – £50
This gift will purchase manure, critical
for making the compost for each
veggie field.
Training in compost making is key to
improving the quality of the nutrition
depleted soil and the quality and
quantity of the crops.
4 water containers per church plant – £7.50
Water is collected in these from a well
and taken to the vegetable field.
3 water cans per church plant -£15
Irrigation is critical for the vegetable
gardens and plentiful harvests.
God’s abundance. 3 plants for, moringa, banana and papaya – £20
These grow all year round and are a great addition to fighting
poor nutrition. The young plants are
grown on the Africa Naturally farm and
Are transported to each church. If cared for and multiplied they will multiply and support improved nutrition for children in the church and in the wider community.
1 wheelbarrow per church plant – £37.50
A wheelbarrow has many uses:
transporting compost, harvested
vegetables & fruit and, most important,
water containers to and from the well
for irrigating the crops.
1 hoe per church plant – £5
We aim for zero tillage but hoes are
needed to initially prepare the fields
and later to keep away stubborn
Package of equipment per church plant £68
• 1 barrow/ £37.50
• 1 hoe/ £6
• 1 tape measure/ £2
• 3 watering cans/ £15
• 4 water containers/ £7.50
1 Training day per church plant – £75
Janet will be visiting each Pastor and
church plant regularly for discipleship and
encouragement but there will also be some
specific training days when all church
family involved will attend.
One off general donation or regular giving.
Why not make a one off donation to help fund our work or make a regular donation to provide us with a regular income.
How to purchase
Please order using the form below. We will then contact you to arrange the payment and the delivery of the gift card for you to give to the person receiving the present.
If you are able to gift aid your donation, funds are increased by 25%.
Thank you to all!